things to do in Belgrade

Top 5 Amazing Things To Do In Belgrade

It seems like with each passing year, a new European city is discovered and crowned as the ‘it’ place – where the crowds descend in great numbers to explore, discover, and party to their hearts content. For years now, places like Prague, Ibiza, Barcelona, and Milan have been hugely popular with tourists, and increasingly, now are cities farther east on the continent, like Budapest in Hungary, Riga in Latvia, and Sunny Beach on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast for example.

But like a double-edged sword, these great places all suffer from the same dredges of over-tourism, crowdedness, hiked-up prices, and a slowly eroding authentic culture, which makes it hard to truly re-capture what it would have been like exploring those places during their glory days. However, there are still cities on the continent which still possess all the charm, charisma, and beauty that the aforementioned cities have, but with an authentic, undiscovered flair that makes them truly alluring.

I am of course talking about a city like Belgrade in Serbia, once the capital of the great Yugoslavia, and now days better known for being bombed by NATO in the ’90’s, and for its rough-around the edges persona often exemplified by the reputations of the cities football teams, built on the backs of local clubs Red Star and Partizan.

However, this perception of Belgrade as a city, and Serbia as a country could not be further from the truth – so much has changed in the quarter century since the dark days in this Balkan land, and almost all for the better. So what exactly should put the criminally underrated Belgrade on top of your travel list? Here’s my breakdown of the absolute top 5 things to do in Belgrade!

#1: Peruse the Sights and Sounds of Knez Mihailova

One of the best ways to get your feet wet in this gem of a city is to walk down the main pedestrian thoroughfare of Knez Mihailova, situated in the upscale Belgrade neighborhood of Dorcol, and take in the view.

Surrounded on both sides by quaint, rustic, and well-preserved (or rebuilt) buildings evoking memories of a Baroque wonderland from time gone by, you’ll soon be captivated by the utterly sophisticated vibes emanating in this part of town, as well as by the many street musicians (even full-scale orchestra’s on the street – really!) serenading you a warm welcome to Serbia.

Just adding to the overall cosmopolitan nature of Knez Mihailova are the many diverse, upscale shopping centers, stores, and cafes lining the street, selling local wares, toys, sweets, dresses, watches, souveniers… the list goes on and on. Whether you are looking for a special purchase to help remember your amazing time in Serbia, or whether you’re simply looking for fun things to do in Belgrade, you can definitely find it all here in the heart of ever classy Dorcol.

#2: Discover Serbia’s Regal Past at Kalemegden Fortress

In fact, only a few streets up from Knez Mihailova, and still located in the chic neighborhood of Dorcol, is the imposing remains of the Kalemegden Fortress, which is one of Belgrade’s two most famous landmarks (the other being St. Sava Temple, which we cover below!).

First built in Roman times (in those days Serbia actually was the birth place of many men who would go on to be the Emperors of Rome!), eventually falling into the hands of successive empires, like the Bulgars and Ottomans, before being used as a military fortress during WWI, today this beautifully restored castle serves as the centerpiece of a majestic public park, right on the banks of the Danube River.

Costing exactly $0 for entry, this huge, well-kept fortress contains millennia of history within its walls, and there are few better ways things to do in Belgrade then to take a lovely stroll through the wooded fields, woven seamlessly into its ramparts, moats, and towers, imagining that you are Serbian royalty from ages past!

#3: Take Booze Cruisin’ to a whole ‘nother level!

In fact, if we were to continue down from our great views of the city on top of the hillside fortress, we would very soon reach the waters edge of the vast Danube River, and there the party really begins! As Belgrade begins to build itself a new, improved, and updated reputation, one of the things this city has truly begun to be known for now days is it’s legendary nightlife – that could put places like Prague and Budapest to shame!

Part of the appeal to party from sun down to sun up is Belgrade’s huge amount of ‘party boats’ – basically floating bars, nightclubs, and restaurants, built into the banks of the Danube itself! The prospect of enjoying a great local Jelen beer, while enjoying a gorgeous sunset view with thumping beats behind you promising a good time, is definitely one of the best things to do in Belgrade, if not one of the most memorable!

#4: Explore The Shadows of the Former Yugoslavia

And while you’re nursing that hangover, I’ve found there are few greater ways to wake yourself up than a trip down memory lane, with a visit to the Museum of Yugoslavia, where you can learn about the sobering history of Serbia’s past. Costing around 450 RSD (or roughly $5 USD), you can explore two museums for the price of one, the final resting place of Yugoslavia’s notorious former leader, General Josep Broz Tito, and a peaceful park with many interesting statues commissioned in his honor.

The rare Communist leader that was actually beloved by the vast majority of his people, Tito seems to have kept his country together by his sheer force of will, and it almost seems to no surprise that after he died in 1980, that Yugoslavia collapsed soon after, and a whole plethora of smaller nations stretching from Slovenia to North Macedonia soon declared their (sometimes very bloody) independence.

Tito’s influence was also keenly felt around the world – on a more uplifting note you can actually you can see a huge amount of gifts he was bestowed upon by many world leaders (Ethiopia’s former King Haile Selassie being notably very generous!) in one of the museums! Definitely an amusing way to end a tour of a country existing now only in memory, and yet another of the great things to do in Belgrade.

#5: See the Spectacle of St. Sava Temple

But any trip to Belgrade would be incomplete if not for seeing the famous St. Sava Temple, located in the heart of the city, and serving as the nation’s religious, cultural heart as well. As one of the largest Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe, if not certainly in Serbia, the intricately crafted teal colored domes of St. Sava complement the Belgrade skyline perfectly, standing as a reminder of the nation’s storied past not being forgotten, even as they reach towards a brighter future.

Yet it is inside the cathedral itself that St. Sava really shines, quite literally in fact – so many frescos depicting scenes from the Bible are inlaid with golden leaf all around the ceilings and walls of this Eastern European masterwork of art and faith. Truly there is no better way to truly understand the soul of Belgrade, then to stand in awe in a place as shimmering as this!

Destination: Belgrade, The Secret Jewel of Eastern Europe

So there you have it – the top 5 things to do in Belgrade! Whether you are on holiday, Erasmus, or are looking to move abroad, Serbia’s capital holds a kind of beauty that is rare to find, but oh so worth it if you’re willing to look beyond the media reports, and just go. You’ll definitely be soon finding yourself in a truly amazing European city, worthy of all the attention and praise of its more well known neighbors in Budapest and Prague, but without all the headaches and hassles that come with over-tourism.

Truly underrated, truly spectacular, Belgrade awaits the intrepid traveler looking for something new, bold, and different – and Serbia’s capital is sure to provide all three.

Have you been to Serbia before? What are your favorite things to do in Belgrade? Let us know in the comments section below!