Kalamegdan Fortress Belgrade Serbia

Top 5 Reasons for Moving to Serbia – The New Land of The Free

There are few countries that have a more controversial reputation in the West, then that of Serbia. In fact, tell someone you’re planning on moving to Serbia, and you might just have a few head’s turn! Once the seat of power in the ex-Yugoslavia, in the years since the 1991 dissolvement of the country, once ruled with an iron fist by General Joseph Broz Tito, has seen civil wars, ethnic cleansings, NATO bombings, and struggles for independence with neighboring states like Montenegro and Kosovo, the most recent to go their own way.

And yet, despite Serbia recent tumultuous past, the country has somehow still managed to quietly but surely revive itself into one of the hottest destinations in Europe, to rival even the beauty and affordability of more popular neighboring cities, like Budapest for example.

When I first stepped foot into this mysterious land, especially as an American citizen, I truly didn’t know what to expect, considering that my country had after all bombed Serbia quite significantly during the Bosnia crisis in the mid ’90s. However, what I was pleased and stunned to discover was how welcoming, modern, forward-thinking, and truly free this country has become in the wake of their recent past, and especially of how I was personally treated so very well.

It goes without saying that Serbia is still an undiscovered gem for expats looking for an amazing home base, but it might not stay that way for long! With that said, here are my top 5 reasons why I think that you should be moving to Serbia, and live the absolutely best expat life!

#1: Ease of Communication

What may be the first thing that really surprises expats thinking of moving to Serbia is the very wide prevalence of people who speak English, and very well at that! With a highly educated populace, Serbians are quite knowledgeable about the world around them, and this translates to their very high proficiency with English – making it an absolute breeze to know not a single word of the local language, and still make friends, as well as get around very easily.

That said, learning the local language is always recommended, but here you’ll have some help too, because though Serbian is usually written in the Cyrillic alphabet, you’ll notice that many signs and posters also have adapted the Roman alphabet to phonetically spell out their words, making it that much easier to learn the local tongue!

#2: Friendliest People in Eastern Europe. Really!

Additionally, though I’ve found almost all Eastern European countries to be very hospitable to foreigners, I will have to hand it to the Serbians when I say that without a doubt they are the friendliest, kindest people I’ve met in this part of the world.

Of course, many people talk of experiencing a bit of culture shock when first arriving in Eastern Europe, as they note that the people may at first appear to be a bit ‘icy’ and non-emotional. However, I’ve found this ice to be broken very easily after moving to Serbia, as the people are at their core very warm, generous, and helpful. And of course, a little bit of local rakia, a fruit brandy common in these parts, never hurts to bring a smile to the Serbian soul either!

#3: Beautiful and Diverse Architecture

But what really makes Serbia stand out to me is the nation’s gorgeous amalgamation of architecture, taken from different eras of the nation’s past, and yet seamlessly blended together into a collage of beauty that is never far from where the eye can see. Modern and ancient blend perfectly together, and despite the fact that cities like Belgrade were significantly bombed during multiple wars, the vast majority of the building that remained stand on their own to show just how stunning this country really is!

In fact, one of the best reasons to get moving to Serbia is just how easy it is to experience neo-classical facades in Belgrade, to creatively decorative Austro-Hungarian charm in Novi Sad, to even intriguing monumental brutalist structures all over the country, as a reminder to Serbia’s former past as the seat of power in the former Yugoslavia. No matter where you choose to go, the creative spirit of the Serbian people can be found in every nook and crevice.

#4: Very Free and Open Mentality to Life

Perhaps what I personally enjoy most about Serbia is the nation’s pervasive attitudes towards personal freedoms and liberty – which is a rather massive departure from the country’s past as a Communist state behind the old Iron Curtain. Despite many still having a rather large fondness for their beloved former leader General Tito, long gone is the days when communism reigned supreme in this land, now replaced by forward thinking movements, valuing freedoms never able to blossom until now.

As a result, moving to Serbia will honestly feel like a breath of fresh air for the world-weary expat who is looking to avoid mass government control – a symptom that is unfortunately starting to grip the world more and more in recent years. This in turn will allow you to actually relax into a culture that knows the darkness of what happens when you go down a certain path, with a desire to never again repeat that which caused them so much pain.

#5: Beautiful Passionate Culture

To top it all off, the thing that brings it all together is the Serbian people’s rich cultural heritage and history, stretching back thousands of years. From once being the birthplace of many Roman emperors, to its resistance against the onslaught of invaders, from the Ottomans, the Bulgars, and the like, Serbian history is very old, but deeply intriguing.

And despite this massive pride of their local Orthodox culture, mostly gone are the dark days of Serbia’s recent decades, when nationalism bordered on xenophobic tendencies. One thing is clear – if you are planning on moving to Serbia, don’t let the old news reports turn you away from what I found to be nothing short of a very welcoming culture, and a truly interesting one at that!

Destination: Serbia, A Free, Forward-Thinking Gem of Eastern Europe

Of all the places I’ve gone in Eastern Europe, I would have to say that Serbia above all else has truly proven to be the absolute antithesis of what the media and recent historical writings may say. I came here with zero expectations, and yet came away truly stunned at the kindness, the beauty, and the freedom I felt every single day I spent here – there is certainly a reason why a slow but steady trickle of expats are starting to take note of Serbia, and begin relocating here for good.

It really does go without saying that for a nation that served as the birthplace of one Nikola Tesla, Serbia truly has an electric passion in the air, that always seems to spark with inspiration, innovation, and the promise of a very bright future ahead of it. For any expat who chooses to be a part of this nation’s future, the rewards, friendships to be made, and freedom will be well worth the effort.

End of story, if one is considering re-locating to Eastern Europe, then I would challenge them to start packing their bags, and start moving to Serbia – one of my favorite countries in the region, and a truly hidden gem of Europe, waiting for you like a budding spring blossom, ready to burst into bloom.