moving to Malaysia

Top 10 Reasons You Should Be Moving to Malaysia – The Best Country in the World

If you are considering moving to Malaysia, then let me be the first to congratulate you on making quite simply, the best decision of your life. There are some places that can touch the soul like no other, and like a picture perfect memory, leave an indelible impression that stays behind long after you’ve gone. After having been around the world many times, various nations and cities have stood out to me as amazing places not only to visit, but also to live. Yet none has ever had the sheer power over my heart, mind, and soul quite like Malaysia – my favorite place on Earth.

For those considering moving to Southeast Asia, Malaysia is usually not at the top of most prospective expats radars, as they tend to be more attracted to the great PR work that has definitely sold people on dreams of soaking up the sun in Thailand, or enjoying smoothie bowls in Indonesia. Perhaps it is also because some concerns over bad political PR over the years, or the fact that Malaysia is a predominately Muslim country, with little understanding that despite this distinction there is actually far more freedom and a relaxed way of life here, than in neighboring Singapore for example!

But after having lived and traveled in this region for years, it has always surprised me how Malaysia seems to not only have a little bit of everything that the more popular destination in SE Asia offer, but also has its own, unique flair which put it head and shoulders above its neighbors. In fact, it’s not even really that close.

Whether you are a digital nomad looking for a modern, clean workplace, an English teacher looking for their money to go further, a young family wanting to live somewhere beautiful, exotic, and safe, or you are a retiree looking to enjoy your golden years in an easy-going and accessible warm paradise, Malaysia truly has something for everyone – which is truly something I’ve yet to find anywhere else in the region!

And if that doesn’t convince you already that moving to this slice of Southeast Asian heaven is going to be your best decision yet, then here are my top 10 reasons why you should be moving to Malaysia, sooner rather than later!

#1: First World Amenities for Third World Prices

If there was ever the perfect fusion between quality and affordability, Malaysia has got to be it. With the exception of Turkey, Malaysia might just be the only country I’ve ever been to where you can live in the lap of luxury, in hyper-modern, beyond first-world comfort, for literally a sixth of the cost of what you’d be paying back home.

Thanks to the depreciated value of the Malaysian Ringgit, expats in the know have been coming to the country in droves, as they realize that a truly amazing lifestyle can be had in a country living on the edge of the future, and for an absolute fraction of the cost.

It is actually mind blowing how great it can be, seeing what your hard-earned money can get you in this country, and not have to sacrifice your lifestyle back home in order to make your dreams of being an expat a reality, as is often the case in many places. If nothing else, moving to Malaysia will help you to see that expat life can be truly sustainable, if not downright glamorous.

#2: Amazingly Diverse and Vibrant Culture

One of my favorite things about Malaysia has got to be the societal melting pot that co-exists between the local Malay, Chinese, Indian, Arab, and Western populace, helping to make up a country that in my book is firmly established as an international capital of culture.

Unlike many nation states in Southeast Asia, as well as most of the world, Malaysia happens to not have one race or ethnic group be the absolute majority, which gives the nation an amazing multi-cultural identity, and expats a wonderful environment to live in, as well as explore.

You could go one day in Kuala Lumpur, and visit the unbelievably colorful Batu Caves (Hindu), the majestic Masjid Jamek (Islam), and the terrific Thean Hou Temple (Taoist), let alone exploring the British-Chinese colonial influence in the old town of Georgetown, in Penang. No matter where you go, moving to Malaysia will lead the wide-eyed expat on an eternal cultural adventure, and one that promises to never get old!

#3: The Best Food in Asia (and maybe the world!)

This diversity also makes its way into the food, which quite honestly is what Malaysia might be best known for on the whole! It is a reputation that more than precedes itself – this country has the best tasting food I’ve ever had, worldwide, no contest, end of discussion. It doesn’t matter whether you want a great tasting burger, perfectly seasoned nasi lemak, or the best Indian dal and naan you’ve ever had – every kind of food imaginable you can find in this mecca of foodies.

In fact, its crazy to think that Malaysian cuisine not only has taken the foods from other places, and brought them all together, but somehow it has made them also significantly better – it comes as no surprise to me that the best Thai food I ever had was in Kuala Lumpur, for instance, and that is only one example!

No matter what you are craving, moving to Malaysia will be sure to keep you covered in the meal department – and for the stunningly low prices of food in this country as well, you’ll be soon feasting like a king (and probably end up weighing about as much as one too!) in the land of the culinary gods.

#4: Unbelievable Natural Beauty

In fact, Malaysia very well might be home to the gods of nature as well, because looking at the incredible bio-diversity on display all over the two halves of this remarkable land, you’ll begin wondering how on earth this place isn’t sighted more by the trend-setting, Southeast Asian loving influencer types.

There is literally an endless plethora of unique places to discover and explore, from the hot and humid city streets of Kuala Lumpur, to the misty and cool cloud rain-forests of the Cameron Highlands, to even some of the oldest jungles in the world in places like Taman Negara. There are even the beautiful beaches of Langkawi and the Perhentians, which could easily give any beach in Thailand a run for its money – and that’s just counting Peninsular Malaysia!

Over on the Borneo side of Sarawak, you can find some of the largest, rarest (and maybe smelliest?) flowers in the world in the rafflesia, which is endemic to these lands, or go surfing on the shores of Kota Kinabalu. If you’re planning on moving to Malaysia, then take note – whatever natural environment scratches your itch, you are sure to find it here in the incredibly vast, diverse landscape of this true global jewel of flora and fauna.

#5: Incredible Awe-Inspiring Architecture

This diversity also contributes to a huge and varied cityscape as well, with every city in Malaysia having special and quaint architectural quirks, which help them seem to have a personality of their very own. If you’re planning on moving to Malaysia, prepare to be in a constant state of shock and awe, as behind every street corner awaits another stunning structure, just waiting for you to discover it!

Perhaps the most famous example of the majestic Malaysian skyline would have to belong to Kuala Lumpur, where futuristic skyscrapers, of which the world famous Petronas Towers, the sixth tallest buildings in the world, merging effortlessly with an old world British flair, in many ways reminiscent of Hong Kong.

This former colonial legacy of Malaysia’s past is even more apparent on the building structures in cities like Penang, where in the UNESCO protected village of Georgetown, expats, tourists, and locals alike can whimsically stroll about the streets of an era long gone, while sipping some of the finest kopi lewak coffee beans found anywhere on Earth. If there is a place to find amazing examples of human engineering and the highest possibility of human ingenuity anywhere on the planet, it can definitely be found here in Malaysia.

#6: Open to Foreign Businesses and Investment

In fact the possibilities of innovation and opportunity also abound in the worlds of business and finance, with many expats moving to Malaysia to take advantage of the capitalistic enterprises rapidly growing in this part of the world, as well as the ease of doing so.

Malaysia makes it very easy to immigrate to for expats who are interested in starting a business, foreign investors, or relatively well-off retirees, with a streamlined process through various immigration avenues like the Malaysia My 2nd Home (MM2H) Visa for example. And in places like the free-trade zone in Labuan, you can get a work permit for tax-free purposes in one of the world’s busiest economic zones, stretching between the famous Malacca Strait and the busy South China Sea.

It is this open minded view point of encouraging the world’s best talent to come to their shores that also puts a massive feather in the cap of this modern, forward-thinking nation, hot on the heels of even Singapore for the title of best places to invest and make money in all of Southeast Asia.

#7: One of the Safest Countries in Southeast Asia

Another reason that an expat would want to consider moving to Malaysia is the overall safety one can enjoy here, especially when compared to the common kinds of crimes like theft and muggings that can occur in greater frequency in places like Thailand and Cambodia for example.

Malaysia is generally a very safe place from these kinds of petty crimes, although using your common sense is always encouraged, like not going out late at night down dark alleyways in Kuala Lumpur for example! For what it’s worth, I’ve personally always felt much safer in Malaysia than in my home country, the United States, especially at night – and though that is coming from the perspective of a single male, I have many single female friends whom have also come to Malaysia over the years, and had no problems in this country either!

That much said, violent crime is still basically non-existent towards foreigners, and for both male and female travelers, Malaysia is a very hospitable, safe destination, that provides all the comforts of home, and perhaps even safer than you’re used to as well!

#8: Seemingly Endless Entertainment Options

In fact, what may really get your excited for moving to Malaysia might be all the amazing options for fun the country has to offer, perhaps even more than you’re used to having in the West! From Kuala Lumpur’s sophisticated eight-story shopping malls, some with their own theme park that includes a huge, fully indoor roller coaster (!), to Legoland in Johar Bahru within touching distance of Singapore, a day out with the friends and family at the amusement park can be taken to the absolute max!

There are beautiful parks like KLCC, amazing cafes and restaurants galore, and if you’re looking for nightlife, don’t let Malaysia’s designation as a Muslim majority country fool you – the people in this nation definitely know how to have a good time.

With some of the most extraordinary bars and clubs in the region, you can drink and party to your hearts content, and though albeit at a slightly higher price tag than in neighboring Thailand (religious-based alcohol taxes are a thing here!), you can have the same quality fun, with not all the seediness that often pervades places like Pattaya for example (not that there’s anything wrong with that, if you’re into that sort of thing!). All in all, you are guaranteed to never get bored here in Malaysia!

#9: Well-Connected and Very Affordable Travel Hub

And yet, one of my favorite things about living in Southeast Asia is how easily accessible everything is, and how streamlined doing a trip through the region can be (and should be soon be again, current coronavirus restrictions pending!).

Part of what makes the region super easy to get around in are flagship economy carriers like AirAsia and Malindo Airlines, which are based either wholly or partially in the country, which makes moving to Malaysia and living in places like KL (as locals and infatuated expats of Kuala Lumpur affectionately refer to their home city) one of the cheapest, best ways to be connected to anywhere you would want to go.

And if you are thinking of a different city than KL when moving to Malaysia, not to worry either, as the country has plenty of world class airports, connecting you cheaply to the rest of Asia, and to the world. That’s also not even mentioning the incredible public transport network, from trains, monorails, and buses that help to elevate Malaysia’s infrastructure to be second to none.

#10: Warm and Hospitable People

Lastly, I couldn’t finish this article without mentioning the absolute warmth I have received from the Malaysian people every time I have ever visited their shores. When choosing to become an expat somewhere, I’ve always found that the people are a very big part of what makes a place start truly feeling like a home, and not just another tourist getaway.

After moving to Malaysia, I really felt like I could be a part of the community, with the avid multiculturalism playing a major role in helping me to feel accepted into my new homeland, with each passing day. Whether it’s being offered free cups of tea tarik, having a friendly conversation with an elderly Muslim Malay woman, or enjoying a laugh with a curious taxi driver or two, I’ve never felt like I am out of place here, in what truly feels like the ultimate international destination.

Oh, and if you’re also looking for a thriving community of really cool, worldly, intelligent expats and travelers, you’ll find them all here too. End of story, coming home just feels somehow different, somehow better, when you know you are coming home to Malaysia, and knowing that I’ve been able to make some of the best and most endearing friendships of my life in this country, helps me to always want to go back to a place that is always deep in my heart.

DESTINATION: Malaysia, The Best Place on Earth for Expats the World Over!

It goes without saying that some places just hit the heart differently than others, and each person will have their own opinions and tastes when it comes to what they enjoy. But after having lived on and off in Malaysia for 2 years, and having been to the country 13 times and counting, I would have you consider the thought that no matter what walk of life you are in, no matter what you like or enjoy, moving to Malaysia will give you exactly what you are looking for.

Have you been to Malaysia, or lived in Malaysia before? What was your experience moving to Malaysia? Let me know your opinions and stories in the comments section below!