move to Romania

Move to Romania & Experience A Brave New World – Top 5 Reasons Why

Although often first encountered in popular media by way of the most famous literary vampire of all time, the brutal memories of communist oppression, as well the adopted home country of the controversial and bombastic Andrew Tate, Romania as a nation is quite possibly the most complex, and misunderstood country in Europe. And so might you be too, if you tell your friends and family that you are planning to move to Romania!

Yet though there is always some truth to be found in the myths and legends of both old and new, this Eastern European nation, hidden away in the Carpathian mountains, still retains many of its secrets and stories, willing to share them only with those who dare to dive deeper into the heart of its mysterious existence – and discover the true treasure awaiting within. It must go without saying that I found the call of the Carpathian’s too strong to ignore myself, and now having spent some time here recently myself, I join the many who have come before who can indeed attest that there is indeed magic in these hills, and perhaps just enough to inspire you to move to Romania too.

So what makes Romania one of the best destinations to be a digital nomad or expat? Here are but five reasons why a move to Romania, and Eastern Europe as a whole, might just be one of the best decisions you ever make!

#1: Friendly, Beautiful People

First things first, one of best things that a move to Romania will grant you is almost immediate friends – as in all my travels, I have rarely come across a nation as welcoming, hospitable, and warm as I found in this massive Eastern European nation. Perhaps partially down to Romania’s ancient Latin roots, left over from the days of the Roman empire, the people in this nation are much warmer, and more open to strangers than I have found in some other countries in the region. In addition, the desire for many of the people to both practice their already very good English, and make friends with curious foreigners exploring their land certainly help to aid the relocation, as well as grant the lucky expat who chose to move to Romania a true sense of community in their new home.

And it would also be remiss of me not to admit that for those looking to date, and maybe even find love in their overseas adventures, Romania will definitely inspire the romantic in you – as the country has on average some of the best dressed and best looking people, both men and women, I’ve yet to encounter across six continents and counting (sorry Antarctica, I’ll have to see your dapper tuxedo wearing penguins sometime soon!).

#2: Incredible Natural Sights

Although the people are a sight to behold, perhaps even more beautiful is the pristine nature that Romania contains within its borders, containing roughly two thirds of Europe’s old temperate forests, as well as paying home to one of the most dramatic mountain chains on the continent, the Carpathians. Once you move to Romania, you are sure to find you are never too far away from green parks, trees galore, and lovely vistas and views of the gorgeous mountains everywhere you turn!

And that all goes without mentioning that Romania also has a lovely little coastline along the Black Sea, shared with many other neighboring nations like Bulgaria, Georgia, and Turkey, as well as sharing a southern border with the mighty Danube river, only further showcasing this nation’s beautiful respect and symbiosis with the flora, fauna (including all the bears!), that inhabit this old, mysterious land. In fact, Romania has a lot in common with its southern neighbor Bulgaria, and for those interested in comparing what option may fit best for a prospective expat in Eastern Europe, I’ve written more about the country here.

#3: Great Tax & Business Incentives for Digital Nomads

For those looking to move to Romania from within the European Union, great opportunities to lower one’s tax burden also exist, as well as excellent investment opportunities. Due to Romania’s very low standardized 10% tax rate (akin to Bulgaria’s), many expats from Western European nations already have decided to make the leap from the much higher tax burden’s imposed by classically popular nations like France and Italy, to move to a place with just as much to offer, for far less hassle.

This also is showcased by Romania’s acceptance of the growing movement of digital workers growing globally, and has lead the country to now offer a digital nomad visa to even non-EU citizens who would like to take advantage of the nation’s growing status as a tech hub in its own right. As long as one can prove they have been working at a company for three consecutive years, have a clean criminal record, and can prove they have enough income to last six months, a move to Romania under this new digital nomad scheme could be your ticket into one of the best kept secrets in all of Europe.

#4: Charming & Deeply Historical Cities

Although it is the capital of Bucharest that often gets most of the headlines, there are so many other cities, towns, and villages to explore within Romania – and each has a special character, all their own. For those looking to spend some time looking for the well hidden vampires, a walk under the mysterious yet charming beady-eyed houses of Sibiu might be for you, while those still wishing to explore Transylvania and perhaps not get too close to all things that go bump in the night, the modern-meets-classical city of Cluj-Napoca might be more your flavor too.

Meanwhile, if one longs a bit of ocean spray with their mountains, the interesting coastal city of Constanta might be more up your alley, and none could blame you if you wished to simply stroll through the streets of the city known as the Paris of Eastern Europe, and simply enjoy the history, energy and culture that Bucharest is sure to bring you. Add in colorful Sighișoara, interesting Timișoara, and even the quaintness of Brașov, and you are sure to soon find that a move to Romania means a move to a diverse, beautiful country, full of surprises around every corner.

#5: Very Safe & Peaceful Way of Life

Despite its often seedy and impoverished reputation, partially attributed to long-held memories of the desperate days during the brutal, communist Ceaușescu regime, as well as to the not-so-secret sex tourism that brings with it a certain kind of dark aura (much like parts of Thailand and Cambodia, for example), Romania is actually one of the safest places to live, work, and play in all of Europe. There is a true sense of calm that actually permeates here on the daily, and people seem to be very helpful, respectful, and dare I say even normal with each other – all of which as become increasingly harder to find in the increasingly aggressive and dangerous west.

If you choose to move to Romania, be rest assured that your home, belongings and life will be in good hands – and that all the media headlines screaming foul about this place have no real context about the truth on the ground here. As such, one should feel free to enjoy the spoils of Romania’s secrets, even if the vampires may scare some others away. 😉

Destination: Romania, One of Europe’s Best Emerging Expat Hubs

It is rare that a country that in one generation can go from being one of the poorest in the world, and a brutal communist backwater, into becoming one of the nicest places to live, anywhere, and all for a very affordable price as well. Having recently become one of the hottest and fast growing information technology destinations in the world, as well as paying host to some of the lowest tax rates in Europe, a move to Romania is sure to promise future business growth, and a world of opportunity to the savvy digital nomad or expat.

Meanwhile, nature lovers and history lovers alike will be sure to never run out of beautiful sights to see in this vast, enchanting nation filled with castles and secrets galore. If you move to Romania, expect to embrace the best of west and east, all mixed together in delightful contradictions – as well as some of the most lovely, friendly people to be found anywhere.

Ultimately, if you are one of the lucky ones who do choose to move to Romania, you will find a nation looking forward to embracing you, as much as you wish to embrace it, for here in the secret, enchanted land of the vampires, the only thing that will bite is the pain of ever having to leave!

If you are interested in a move to Romania, or are thinking of moving to other places in Eastern Europe, feel free to check out my article that covers my top picks in greater detail, or my many other articles on other nations in this beautiful region!