best cities to move to in The Philippines

Top 5 Best Cities to Move To in The Philippines

As one of the top destinations in Southeast Asia for lifestyle improvement, unbelievable tropical beauty, and an overall quality of life boost for digital nomads and expats alike, as I’ve written about in more detail here, The Philippines is becoming slowly known as one of the best places to relocate to within the region, which has certainly contributed to many beginning their search for the best cities to move to in The Philippines in 2023, and beyond.

Playing host to thousands of islands in this archipelago nation, there is almost an infinite number of possibilities to consider when thinking of making the move to this physically gorgeous country – including safety, financial security, entertainment, and good food options, among others. However, despite not having quite as much positive press and tourist draw that had been often the case in other nations in Southeast Asia, like Thailand and Indonesia, The Philippines has in many ways just as much to offer – while adding a local Tagalog flavor and culture into the mix as well.

Although many islands were considered in the making of this article (such as the honorable mentions of Siquijor and Siargao), as both islands don’t contain much in the ways of urban life, I decided to not add them to this list, although both are decidedly some of the best places to live in The Philippines in their own right as well – for the right kind of expat, looking for peace, quiet and solitude on some of the most gorgeous islands on Earth.

As such, I’ll only be covering what I found to be my top 5 best cities to move to in The Philippines, based on my own travels in and within this enchanting country, with respect to lifestyle choices that incorporates urban creature comforts, with the exotic appeal of Southeast Asian island life – thus ensuring the best balance between surf, sun, and overall livability for expats of all backgrounds. So without further ado, here are my top 5 best cities to move to in The Philippines!

#1: Manila (Makati)

Starting with the massive, sprawling capital of Manila, the nation’s largest city, set upon the nation’s largest island of Luzon, just about scratches into the top 5 list of best cities to move to in The Philippines, due to Manila’s major and pressing issues with traffic, rising crime levels in many areas, and overall cost-to-expense ratio, making it far more expensive then the value of housing, food, etc, might be actually worth.

However, Manila’s shiny, modern neighborhood of Makati, is really so good, that it alone manages to hold Manila’s place on this list – and it truly shows, with Makati serving as the main destination for most expats living and working in The Philippines. Playing host the the Mall of Asia, one of the largest in the world, as well as incredible dining and entertainment options, Makati can easily hold its weight against some of the best cities in Southeast Asia, and is recommended for expats who like the big city vibes, but want to enjoy the best that The Philippines has to offer in overall quality of life – for the right price.

#2: Baguio

Despite also being located on Luzon Island, Baguio feels often a world away from the flashy, mean streets of Manila, and for many, the call of nature and a slower pace of life, while close enough to the major capital city to still enjoy big city life from time to time, make Baguio one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines.

Known as the ‘City of Pines’, one could be forgiven for thinking their new home was some kind of Pacific Northwest wonderland, as opposed to deep in Southeast Asian tropics, with Baguio also being a great place to chill out in the very hot and humid Philippine summertime, with the city also possessing unusually cooler weather for this part of the world. Long story short, if you want to live right in the heart of a great Southeast Asian nation, but also set yourself among beautiful nature, in a cooler overall climate, definitely check out Baguio – one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines.

#3: Cebu

Known to many as one of the best places to live for expats in the entire archipelago, the oft sung about, oft dreamt about island of Cebu, and its main place of residence, Cebu City, definitely still fits the bill in 2023 and beyond as one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines. Cebu City is highly urbanized, just like parts of Manila, yet with its close proximity to all the incredible, white sand beaches that the island has to offer, as well as not coming close to the very real traffic problems that Manila possesses makes Cebu a well-perceived favorite over the capital city for many expats.

Add in the fact that Cebu City is well connected, like Manila, to other international destinations by its airport, as well as Cebu’s world famous diving and waterfall-watching spots, and it soon becomes painstakingly clearer than the beautiful, blue waters surrounding this gorgeous isle – that if you are looking for a big city life, in the midst of an island paradise, then Cebu, and Cebu City is right for you, and certainly one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines.

#4: El Nido

I’ve written in-depth and in greater detail about El Nido’s island of Palawan, one of the most beautiful islands in the entire world, right here, but if one chose to live on one of the most idyllic, and picture perfect tropical settings on the planet, then one should certainly consider El Nido – yet another one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines.

Despite its obvious draw as a major tourist port, and hub (like Coron) for many of the boat tours that take visitors and locals alike to the more secluded, but even more mind-blowing island sights that Palawan has to offer, El Nido in its own right has an incredibly beautiful beach-meets-mountains setting, that is not only reminiscent of Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, which will inspire your eyes and heart for hours. Add in the fact that you have some amazing food and cafe options, and you suddenly have a destination that could rival any in Thailand as beach capital of the world – and certainly one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines.

#5: Davao City

Last, but certainly not least, is a perhaps more exotic choice, in an already very exotic part of the world – Davao City, on the oft-written about, but in mostly negative terms, Mindanao Island, which despite its location on one of the most dangerous islands in the country, still incredibly remains one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines.

Serving as the former hometown of the very controversial Rodrigo Duterte, the now former President of The Philippines once served as Davao City’s mayor, and his no-nonsense, hardliner approach did arguably and quite considerably help the main city on an island known more for rebel groups and terrorist attacks, become one of the safest in the entire country. If you are looking to live in a very safe place, but have a bit of adrenaline in your veins for a sense of adventure, Davao City might certainly float your boat as one of the best cities to move to in The Philippines.

best cities to move to in The Philippines
Destination: The Philippines, Shimmering Islands of Wonder and Possibility

Although The Philippines still suffers from many societal ills, from political problems, to overcrowding and major traffic congestion in major centers, as well as still a great deal of national poverty, the people, the food, the sights, sounds, and sand from this painfully beautiful land all still make it one of the best places to live in Southeast Asia for expats from all walks of life.

If you are planning on moving to this gorgeous corner of the world, then I highly recommend looking at one of these top 5 best cities to move to in The Philippines, to help you on your way! Or, if you are still curious about other destinations in the Southeast Asian region to compare this lovely nation to, then why not look at my in-depth analysis of the best places to live in the region right here? You’ll be happy you did!