Move to Turkey

Top 5 Reasons To Stop Worrying and Move to Turkey

If one were to solely trust the mainstream media, it wouldn’t be surprising to hear that if you told someone you were thinking of a move to Turkey, the opinions you might first hear might be coming from a place of concern, fear, and negativity about the country these days. From news about political squabbles with neighboring countries, to currency depreciation, to fear that the country is on route to becoming the next Islamic Caliphate, many people might do a double take when talking about the possibility of moving to the remnants of the old Ottoman Empire, let alone visiting it!

However, as is often the case about the media, reports of disarray, disorder, and chaos are often very much exaggerated for clicks and sensationalism, and when it comes to Turkey, there is especially no exception to this rule.

In fact, I personally have been coming to Turkey since 2014, and after the plethora of experiences I’ve made here for the last 7 years, I stand by my claim that literally everything being said about this country in the West is truly some of the most slanderous, biased drivel I’ve ever encountered in all my years traveling. That said, for those in the know, Turkey is truly the discerning expat’s dirty, little secret – and to be fair, we kind of like it that way! 😉

For all intents and purposes, Turkey is easily one of the friendliest, safest, most beautiful, and most affordable countries I have ever been blessed with traveling to, with a culture that embraces tourists and expats like literally no other. So if you’ve been on the fence about making the jump into Anatolian paradise, or you’re looking for more confirmation towards the inescapable draw this country has on most every heart, then look no further – here are the top 5 reasons why you should stop worrying, and make your move to Turkey right away!

#1: Architectural Wonders of The World

In a land seemingly older than time itself, where ancient sites like Gobekli Tepe, which were built 12,000 years ago, and even predates our current records on human civilization by thousands of years, still stand among the sands, it would stand as no surprise that with so much history having happened here over the years, that the remnants of empires past continue to leave quite an impression on the eye here in Turkey.

Whether the mark on this land was left by the Hittites, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, and finally the modern day Turkish people, traces of all the cultures that once called this nation home continue to stand proudly, declaring their exotic majesty.

From the incredibly ornate and painstakingly decorated ceilings of the Blue Mosque, to the abandoned cave side churches of old Cappadocia, the fact that these buildings were built perhaps thousands of years before the invention of modern machinery stands as a testament to the ingenuity of the Turkish people, and their beautiful, creative spirit.

And for what it’s worth, there are few more magical experiences to be had in this life, then to take a ferry from one continent to the other, seeing the famous sites of European and Asian Istanbul take your breath away, all for the low cost of 1 USD one way! Just another reason why a move to Turkey is a move to adventure through time and history, and without breaking the bank at that!

#2: A Food Culture Like No Other

You haven’t really lived until you’ve tried a full Turkish breakfast, my friend. From cheeses to breads to olives to jams, sauces, eggs, pancakes, salads, and menemen galore, you’ll be in awe that to eat like a Sultan is quite a common occurrence in this part of the world. And that’s only to start the day!

Turkey has something for everyone – if you love meat, then you need to try tavuk sish, doner kebab, and cig kofte. if you’re vegatarian, you need to try the unbelievably fresh salads, fruits, and vegetables that can be found grown locally in the country, as well as the rapidly growing vegan restaurant scene. They even have a Turkish version of pizza, affectionately called pide, which can honestly rival that of any New York slice I’ve ever had – high praise coming from a guy originally from that state!

And though I’ve personally found Turkish food to be so good and so varied, that you might find yourself never getting tired of eating it, if you are looking for variety, then be prepared to be amazed, as cuisines from all over the world can be easily and readily found here. So much quality, such mouth watering delicacies to be had – I promise you if you move to Turkey, your stomach will be thanking you every single day you are here, although maybe not your waistline!

#3: Extremely Affordable Lifestyle

Another reason why a move to Turkey could prove to be massively advantageous is its overwhelmingly affordable lifestyle that one can have if coming from a western country. In traveling to now over 30 countries and counting, I’ve yet to find a nation where you can get a better value for your dollars, euros, or pounds, than here in Turkey.

Everything from every day things like groceries and cups of coffee, to days out at the museums, going to the movies, and just about anything else can be had for about 1/6 the cost that one would pay for the same things in the West.

And though in some places, living cheaply often equates to living in squalor, this is absolutely not the case in Turkey – where the quality of everything, from produce to furniture to housing and more, is all at first-world standards, but as it is made locally, everything is far kinder to the wallet.

The only other country that I’ve found this kind of amazing first-world quality for near third-world prices is in Malaysia thus far, and living on $1000 USD a month in both these countries is more than doable for the average person.

It goes without saying that if you move to Turkey, not only will you be able to save so much money, but you will be able to still live a lifestyle you are accustomed to for a fraction of the cost, and enjoy a better work-life balance, focused on enjoying the goodness of your new home, without worrying so much about living paycheck to paycheck.

#4: Warm, Friendly Locals

But perhaps what draws me most to Turkey above all else is the absolutely amazing welcome I’ve received from the people here, who have proven time and time again to be part of one of the most hospitable cultures on Earth. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down at a cafe or restaurant, and been has smiling wait staff offer me free extras like salads, breads, and multiple cups of that famous, piping-hot Turkish tea, for absolutely nothing but a thank you and a smile.

In fact, the generosity of the Turkish people is so recurrent, that it honestly can get kind of overwhelming to be honest, as if you suddenly came back to a place that feels vaguely familiar, to a loving family you haven’t seen for a very long time. Home is truly where the heart is, and if you open your heart to the Turkish people, you will realize that they want to get to know you as much as you want to know them – their love for foreigners, and sharing their culture with them, is abundant and clear.

And if you choose to move to Turkey, the hospitality of the locals will only increase even more, as you assimilate into their culture, learn their beautiful language, and enjoy the company of your new friends, neighbors, and community.

Oh, and did I mention that they absolutely love animals here, and that every stray cat seems well fed and looked after? It says a lot about a culture that takes good care of their pets, and if you move to Turkey you’ll soon see, that Istanbul kitties will want to take care of you (and your food) too. :3

#5: Unbelievable Diversity and Natural Beauty

Lastly, it would be impossible for me to explain why you should move to Turkey without opening your eyes to the unbelievably beautiful and varied landscape that this nation possesses. In fact, with the country’s land mass coming out to a whopping 783,562 sq km, or 94% larger than California, Turkey’s size is hard to comprehend, as well as its huge diversity of natural wonders and secrets, it holds for the adventurous expat.

From the seven hills of Istanbul, to the crystalline, blue waters of the Turkish coastline which is the largest on the entire Mediterranean, to even the alien rock formations of Cappadocia, that will have you thinking you’re on another planet altogether, Turkey is quite simply one of the most varied, exotic, and enchanting lands I’ve ever been to.

It literally has every kind of climate and sub-climate a person could desire, from hot and humid, to mild and cool, and in cities like Antalya, you can ski in the mountains before relaxing the same day at the beach! Essentially, a move to Turkey is like a move to every kind of micro-climate you could ever want, and it never gets old.

Move to Turkey
Destination: Turkey, one of the most interesting, beautiful nations on the planet!

It goes without saying at this point that certain countries leave impressions on a person, that never really goes away. Turkey has certainly been one of those, and for the seasoned world explorer, or for the curious prospective expat, looking for a new place to set up roots to call home, this country truly has it all for those willing to ignore the bad press, and take a leap of faith. Life was meant to be lived to be enjoyed to the fullest, and there truly is no better way to do that then to stop worrying, move to Turkey, and enjoy the warmest welcome you’ve ever received.

After all, there’s no place like home, and as I gaze out at the beautiful Bosphorus, sipping yet another cup of Turkish cai, surrounded by a beautiful, warm people and culture, I can safely say that I’ve found that home here, and I know you will too.