move to Colombia

Top 5 Reasons You Need to Move to Colombia

It wasn’t too long ago that cocaine and crime were once notorious as this nations most famous exports. Oh, how times have changed. Today, nothing could be further from the truth, and now a move to Colombia is quickly becoming one of the biggest power plays for well-seasoned expats in the know, who are willing to give a second chance to this deeply beautiful, misunderstood country, which has undergone an incredible modern-day renaissance.

It would perhaps take One Hundred Years of Solitude just to scratch the surface on how incredible the homeland of famous author Gabriel García Márquez truly is, but we’ve done our best to condense it to a chosen few ideas why Colombia may in fact be one of the best places to call home as an expat, in all of Latin America, if not the world. So without further ado, here are the top 5 reasons you need to move to Colombia – right away!

#1: Revitalization Through Art

Ask most people what they know about Colombia, and most will mention the name of infamous drug cartel boss Pablo Escobar (a name that most locals long to forget), as well as the rampant violence that once made cities like Medellin into the murder capitals of the entire world. However, in the space of only a generation, Medellin, Bogota, and Cartagena have managed to miraculously throw off these monikers as dangerous places, to become cities known to be even safer and cleaner than New Orleans!

All that is left behind from the scars of the past are colorful reminders, painted by street artists into the walls and crevices of many parts of once violent neighborhoods, now completely revitalized and growing thanks to the amazing grassroots efforts by the locals, forever proud of their heritage and homeland.

Though the pain lingers from the not-to-distant memories, the future looks ever brighter as the people and the nation look constantly forward, brimming with hope as they finally enjoy the fruits of their labor in throwing off the yolk of violence that once plagued them. It is truly awe-inspiring to see how far they have come in such a short time – an inspiration will prove infectious once you finally arrive!

#2: Amazing Real Estate Opportunities

In fact, if you move to Colombia you’ll realize almost immediately that the inspiring growth and revitalization of the country has also translated to amazing investment opportunities to be had, if one knows where to look. Everything from city-smart studio’s, to huge multiple-bedroom villas can easily be had for hundreds of thousands of dollars less than most places in western Europe, or even in neighboring countries that have already been discovered – like Costa Rica for example!

Though Colombia on the whole can be very affordable for even the smallest of budgets, another positive is that if one is willing to spend close to $175,000 USD (at the time of this article’s writing), you could actually obtain immediate permanent residency, which can after a set number of years, translate into Colombian citizenship as well! And if you don’t have that kind of money laying around to invest to move to Colombia – fret not! There are a multitude of other ways to obtain residency in this warm and welcoming South American country as well…

#3: Incredibly Warm, Exciting People

The prospect of moving to Colombia is perhaps made the most intriguing by the hospitable, exciting culture that the Colombians themselves exhibit in all walks of life. From pickup matches of futbal, to cups of coffee at the cafe, there is not a single moment in Colombia where you could notice that the people are anything but filled to the brim with passion, warmth, and a love of life.

This translates to their extremely friendly attitude towards foreigners as well – in all of my travels, I’ve rarely found a country as hospitable and easy to make friends in, as I did so in Colombia. That kind of openness is a huge thing for me, as well as a lot of other expats, so to see that kind of attitude so prevalent all over this country has been nothing short of a revelation, and definitely should be another reason why your move to Colombia should happen sooner, rather than later!

#4: Unbelievable Fusion of the Urban and Natural

Just when you thought that things couldn’t get better, somehow it actually does, as you realize that Colombia is awash with the lush, mountainous terrain that makes up their chunk of the Andes mountain range. In cities like Medellin, you can take modern metro cable cars high up into the hills, to look down on the beautiful city below you, while in towns like Salento, you can visit some of the tallest palm trees in the world, dropping your jaw in absolute awe.

This fusion of urban zones with the gorgeous surrounding landscape is hard to rival anywhere else on Earth, and to be able to be in thick of the jungle within minutes after walking down the modern city streets of Colombia is something that will always be intriguing to me as an expat – being able to be one with nature, and one with myself, in a country that embraces me truly as one of their own.

#5: Open to Foreign Investment / Financial Freedom

To be in a land of seemingly endless potential and opportunity, one might suddenly start feeling a sense of relief and freedom – and the good news is that freedom also translates to foreign business investment as well. It has never been easier to start a business in Latin America for expats, thanks to Colombia’s open business policies, which have helped to encourage many forward-thinking investors into sinking their capital into the country.

In fact, obtaining a Colombian business visa is relatively simple and easy, as is filing any kind of reports with the local government – which is quite surprising, considering the vast amounts of bureaucracy prevalent in many nations dotting the South American continent. The fact the government gets out of its own way (and yours!), is all the more reason to consider a move to Colombia.

Destination: Colombia, one of Latin America’s Best Expat Locales!

It is hard to believe that in such a small space of time that a nation could truly get its act together quite the way that Colombia has managed to do. And yet, by magic, miracle, or by the absolute magnificent, unyielding spirit of the people, this South American nation has managed to do just that, turning itself into not only one of my personal favorite countries to live, work, and play in, but also into a truly great beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity, to expats and locals alike.