Best Things To Do in Medellin

Live Like No Tomorrow – 5 Best Things To Do in Medellin

If you told someone 20 years ago that you were thinking of visiting, moving to, or looking for the best things to do in Medellin, most would have assumed one of two things: either you were involved in the illicit drug business, or had a death wish. It is remarkable to think that in what was once the city with the highest murder rates in the world, has in the space of a few decades become one of the most revitalized, beautiful, and sought-after expat destination in all of Latin America.

The dark legacy left behind by the likes of Pablo Escobar and the Cali Cartel has long gone from the streets of Colombia, and nowhere is this more apparent then in the beautiful mountain-side streets of Medellin – once the home and center of operations for Pablo himself. But these days the city is far more known for its extravagant beauty, its lively people, its incredible natural setting, and the non-stop fiesta lifestyle that the Colombian people wear proudly on their sleeves – which will surely prove infectious to you too, once you get moving to Medellin!

So what helps to make Colombia’s second largest city such a great draw for tourists, expats, and locals alike? Let’s take a look – here are my top 5 Best Things To Do in Medellin!

#1: Paragliding Above The Mountains

Best Things To Do in Medellin

For the adventure-seeker looking for a truly ethereal thrill, there aren’t many better ways to get those high-flying endorphins churning in your brain, than to glide high above the mountain valley that makes up the greater Medellin area.

After taking a small 30 minute drive outside the city center, you’ll soon be high up in the hills, looking down at the city thousands of feet below you. And that’s before strapping in with your friendly tandem pilot, who will not only keep you safe and sound above the clouds, but also give you tips and tricks to taking the best Go-Pro selfies of yourself to send back to family and friends (at least, I think my selfie above turned out pretty good!).

For those scared of heights (like I was!) this experience will certainly be a life-changing, indescribable feeling of emotion as you finally feel get to feel what it’s like to fly like a bird, free above one of the most gorgeous settings of urban-natural fusion on the planet.

#2: Street Art Walking Tours

Once you come back down to earth, the excitement doesn’t end there – as you’ll soon find that the streets of Medellin will invigorate the senses, with all the hues and colors of the rainbow, artistically crafted together as vivid memories brought to life, that you truly have to see to believe.

In fact, nowhere does the muse of the artist feel stronger than in places like Comuna 13, in the neighborhood of San Javier, which were once the most dangerous streets in an already murderous city. However, in the years since the fall of the cartels, the stories of the people in this once heavily impoverished community, have been etched out on the walls for tourists and locals alike to see, serving as a hallowed reminder of the troubles that the cartels caused their city, and to honor those affected by the blight of urban warfare.

Though one could easily take the metro down to Comuna 13, or various other parts of the city to see these stunning designs, taking a guided tour from one of the locals helps to not only give you a truly unique perspective into the lives of the people deeply affected by Pablo Escobar and co, but also helps to benefit the local neighborhoods trying their best to focus on a new industry of tourism as they build from the ashes, and rise like a phoenix anew.

#3: Take a Ride on the Crazy Cable Cars

Going back up into the sky, the aforementioned metro is not only clean, modern, and safe, but also has various connections that take you via cable cars straight into the barrios of Medellin that are built right up into the mountains edge!

Where once these communities were isolated from the rest of the city, due to the sheer geography of the imposing terrain intermingled with a vast urban sprawl limiting access to the center, with only smaller side streets serving as a sole travel corridor to the rest of the population, are now connected to everything and everyone in Medellin, with some of the coolest mass transit systems ever devised.

Definitely a highlight of moving to Medellin is the ability to look around as you gently glide above the rooftops and streets below, getting a truly birds’ eye view of one of the most interesting cities in all of Latin America, if not the world!

#4: Enjoy an Escape to Nature

Speaking of cable cars, there is actually one special cable car (connected to the metro) that can take you a little bit outside the city, over the mountaintops, and into a beautiful, woodland setting, that seems worlds away from the hustle and bustle of the non-stop Medellin city vibes, but is actually only 20 minutes away!

If you wish to immerse yourself in crisp, clean nature, while still being able to enjoy all the benefits of living in a world-class city, then moving to Medellin will certainly not keep you from your heart’s desire, as any visit to Parque Arvi will simply put, restore your tree-loving soul.

A massive park and trail system, Parque Arvi allows the prospective expat, local, and tourist alike to explore its vast forests that seem to keep on going on and on forever into the unmarked jungle. Camping is encouraged, as is seeing the gorgeous waterfall and stream that frames this picture perfect slice of Eden, straight on the edge of Medellin’s mountaintop range.

#5: Party Like You’ve Never Partied Before

But what really displays the proud, passionate Paisa spirit at its clearest, is the way the people of Medellin get down to the heavy Latin beats on the dance floor. Despite salsa (the dance, not the dip!) being first invented in the neighboring Colombian city of Cali, once the sun goes down, the stars and dancers will come out to play, with the fiery, sensuous dance being strutted about long into the night, just about everywhere.

This also translates into the romantic flair being displayed to its fullest, which is partially what has made Colombia, and Medellin in particular into a very popular destination for expats looking for their other half, either for the night, or for a longer-term engagement. Simply put – even the hardest of hearts will start to feel their corozon beating again, because whatever kind of adventure you’re looking for, naughty or nice, you can find it definitely find it here with the chicas and chicos of Medellin.

And if you really want to get loco with the locals, the nightclub scene in Medellin is truly second to none – the love to party like tomorrow is almost seemingly written into to DNA of every Paisa, as it wasn’t too long ago after all that life could very well be cut very short by the dangerous city streets. And though times have well and truly changed, the ‘you only live once’ attitude continues to be a integral part of the local culture, helping to bring the party to life every single night.

Best Things To Do in Medellin
DESTINATION: Medellin, Colombia’s Paradise for Expats and Paisa’s Alike!

It would be hard to understate the impact that this city can truly have on an expat’s new lifestyle – with the culture, people, and history of Medellin flowing like strong Colombian coffee through your veins, lighting a spark that might just be proof that magic exists in this world after all.

So if you are planning on moving to Medellin, or maybe even just taking a visit to this mecca of Latin lovers and life, don’t take my word for it – just go, see it for yourself, and I promise you’ll have the time of your life, in one of the coolest countries in all of Latin America, and my personal favorite city in South America.

Have you moved to Medellin before? What was your experience living and traveling in Latin America? Tell me about your experiences in Colombia and the region below!